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PostgreSQL Drop Function

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the PostgreSQL drop function statement to remove a function.

Introduction to PostgreSQL DROP FUNCTION statement

To remove a user-defined function, you use the drop function statement.

Here’s the syntax of the drop function statement:

drop function [if exists] function_name(argument_list)
[cascade | restrict]

In this syntax:

  • First, specify the name of the function that you want to remove after the drop function keywords.
  • Second, use the if exists option if you want to instruct PostgreSQL to issue a notice instead of an error if the function does not exist.
  • Third, specify the argument list of the function. Since functions can be overloaded, PostgreSQL needs to know which function you want to remove by checking the argument list. If a function is unique within the schema, you do not need to specify the argument list.

When a function has any dependent objects such as operators or triggers, you cannot drop that function.

To drop the function and its dependent objects, you can use the cascade option. The drop function with the cascade option will recursively remove the function, its dependent objects, and the objects that depend on those objects, and so on.

By default, the drop function statement uses the restrict option that rejects the removal of a function when it has any dependent objects.

To drop multiple functions using a single drop function statement, you specify a comma-separated list of function names after the drop function keyword like this:

drop function [if exists] function1, function2, ...;

PostgreSQL Drop Function examples

The following statement uses the create function statement to define a function that returns a set of films including film_id, title, and actor:

create or replace function get_film_actors()
	returns setof record
as $$
   rec record;
   for rec in select
            (first_name || ' ' || last_name)::varchar
		from film
		inner join film_actor using(film_id)
		inner join actor using (actor_id)
		order by title
        return next rec;
	end loop;

language plpgsql;

The following statement defines a function with the same name get_film_actors. However, it accepts a film id as the argument:

create or replace function get_film_actors(p_fiml_id int)
	returns setof record
as $$
   rec record;
   for rec in select
            (first_name || ' ' || last_name)::varchar
		from film
		inner join film_actor using(film_id)
		inner join actor using (actor_id)
		where film_id = p_fiml_id
		order by title
        return next rec;
	end loop;

language plpgsql;

The following statement attempts to drop the get_film_actors function:

drop function get_film_actors;

PostgreSQL issued an error:

ERROR:  function name "get_film_actors" is not unique
HINT:  Specify the argument list to select the function unambiguously.
SQL state: 42725

Since the get_film_actors stored procedure is not unique, you need to specify which function you want to drop.

The following statement drops the get_film_actors function that has zero parameters:

drop function get_film_actors();

Now, there is only one get_film_actors function left. Since it is unique in the database, you can drop it without specifying its argument list like this:

drop function get_film_actors;

Alternatively, if you want to specify the exact function, you can use the function name with the argument list:

drop function get_film_actors(int);


  • Use the drop function statement to delete a function from a database.
  • Specify the argument list in the function if the function is overloaded.
  • Use the drop function statement with the cascade option to drop a function and its dependent objects and objects that depend on those objects, and so on.

Last updated on

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